Wednesday, April 02, 2008

How Long?

I dont think its so much that I am coming out of the fog as it is that I have been in it for so long I can now have some reason to hope the end is drawing near. It may still yet be twice as long and four times as suffocating, but I've wandered so far through it at this point that going back and waiting for it to lift is not an option. It cant last forever, weather never does. I'm interested to see how far I've traveled and in what direction when visibility returns.

"It is doubtful that God will ever use a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply."


Mark D. Rucker said...

Yeah baby! Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out. Sorry that was for Mr. Kotter. Yeah I like that quote. Tough love is a good thing and a God thing at times. I'm just thrilled to know the He loves me enough and cares about me enough to want to refine me. My only hope is that someday after the refining and polishing He will be able to see His reflection in me.

Dave said...

Hey bro, sorry we missed each other when I was in town last week. I'll try to give you more notice next time. You should post more often. You've alwasy got good stuff to say.

dc said...
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Sozo said...


I haven't looked at you blog in awhile. Often times we think of the fog and clouds as hard times. Fog is by definition low clouds. Numerous times the word speaks of clouds in a form of God's presence. The Israelites even followed a cloud in the day time which was leading them to the promise land.

Although I won't say I know how you feel (I hate that when people say that...because they haven't been in your shoes) I do know what it is like to be in the midst of storms and clouds.

God even use a cloud or fog to show his protect his servant Moses (Numbers 12).

The way I look at it is that if you are in the fog you are headed the right way. Satan doesn't let us have a clear view of God if he can help it. Sometimes being in the fog is a sign you are headed the right direction and Satan wants you to make a U- turn. The Israelites lost sight many times when following the cloud (as I do many times...hourly sometimes).

Obviously God is leading you to blessing you will not understand. Just look for His hand in that fog that will lead you through.

Take courage brother...You are a blessing and we count it an honor to know you.

Sozo said...


Just checking on you brother. Drop me a line and let me know how things are rolling in your life. I would love to pray for you.

Also I am working on something at the end of the year. If I can get it all set up at my new church I will give you a call.
